The Return

David Bowlin © 2001

It started out like any typical day in suburbia. Percolators perked, toasters toasted, garage doors opened to disgorge cars heading toward the freeway. Everything was beautifully ordinary, until the shadow of a spaceship darkened our little town. Every bleary-eyed suburbanite hit the streets with unbelieving eyes, coffee flying in every direction.

With the streets as silent as a tomb, the spaceship descended and came to a stop at the corner of Main and First. A motor whirred somewhere within the ship, and a small ramp folded down to the street. Mere seconds later, a sliding door opened and he was standing there, taking in the scenery. With a final wave into the ship's interior, he headed down the ramp and onto the quiet street.

As the sliding door closed and the ramp folded back into itself, the spaceship quietly ascended back into the cloudless sky, and was soon out of site.

"Anyone know the way to Memphis?" the King said. "I'm all shook up, and can't seem to remember."

We decided not to mention it to anyone, and all of us quietly and calmly returned to our completely typical suburban lives.

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